Commentary by Petrus GAND
PNG’s political empire is known to give ultimate authority to the mandated parliamentarians. Although we thrive as a sovereign state with our Australian-British copy-paste constitution, it is obvious to be in its colonial form, exerting excessive power on the rulers. It remains the leaders’ responsibility to enrich the rights and welfare of the citizens so they may achieve a common good and enjoy happiness together. Instead, our politicians are known to protect their personal-interest more often, with the aim to remain the big-men in the social order. Plato’s thoughts maintain that we must not rely on the laws to make the state an ideal state as politicians will get around the laws to guard themselves. Indeed PNG's judiciary system is compromised with the legislative and executive branch, crafting more avenues for corruption. Certain areas of our sensitive-sectors still have many policy gaps that are deliberately overlooked and disregarded by MPs because if it were fetched, it might as well attack them. Consequently, it impels negative effects on the problem from bad to worse or to put it bluntly, it is like adding fuel to the fire. ![]() Over the last decade, weak, defenseless and unarmed members of the general public have developed extreme fear with members of the Royal Papua New Guinea Polic Force. Not only the harmless ordinary citizens but to a greater extend the members of the PNG Defense Force and top CEOs, highly educated Papua New Guineans and even the foreigners or the tourists have already developed hatred and fear with members of the Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary. As far as everyone is concerned, this fear and hatred is caused due to the unprofessional and unethical conduct shown to the public by members of the Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary NINE policemen in East Sepik were arrested and detained yesterday at Wewak Police Station after being charged by the internal investigation unit from Port Moresby relating to the burning down of 13 houses in Wewak in October.
East Sepik police commander Albert Beli said the policemen were charged under the Criminal Code Act and were not allowed police bail but would appear in court to be granted bail. A POLICE officer is being blamed for the shooting to death of a 17-year-old Jiwaka youth in Banz on Monday.
The youth’s father, Felix Brown, is a police officer in Mt Hagen and a member of the Ngantskup tribe near Banz. The youth, Mond, was a student at the Waghi Valley Secondary School. His death triggered retaliation by the youth’s relatives, led by Brown. OPPOSITION Leader Belden Namah says a policeman’s oath is to protect the people of Papua New Guinea and not the Prime Minister.
"I wish to remind the members of the disciplinary forces, and in particular members of the Royal PNG Constabulary, of the significance of the oath they took upon becoming police officers," Mr Namah said in a media conference yesterday. Mr Namah, flanked by Deputy Opposition Leader Sam Basil, and Rabaul MP Allan Marat, urged the police hierarchy to immediately take control and diffuse what is potentially an explosive situation. "The oath you took is to uphold the Constitution and serve the Independent State of Papua New Guinea. The Independent State of Papua New Guinea means the people of Papua New Guinea and not the Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea or the Opposition Leader or the Commissioner," he reminded members of the police force. The Police Act 1998 says an officer commits an offence if he or she, while on duty in uniform, smokes in a public place, chews betelnut or acts offensively towards a member of public. The Hohola Guest House and Juha College have also become victims of police raids since Monday, following the incident at Nine Mile when a police officer was slashed.
Properties at the guest house were destroyed and people were beaten up by police. Substantial amounts of money are believed to have been taken by police during the three-day raids. After the incident at Nine Mile on Sunday night, truckloads of police arrived at the Hohola Guest House, which also houses the Juha College, and destroyed properties, took cash and bashed up employees. The same happened on Tuesday, when again, three truckloads of police personnel attacked employees and properties. While the matter has been reported to Hohola Police Station, company director Tehe Pua expressed concern at the loss of business, time and money. An ex-police inspector, Neil Yapa deplored the manner in which the attack was carried out. He said Hohola is under the command of Hohola Police Station and police officers from other commands conducting a raid on the guest house are uncalled for. He has called on the commissioner to discipline the officers involved. In the meantime, assurance was given today in the newspapers by both Police Commissioner Geoffery Vaki and Deputy Jim Andrews. They ensured they would deal with officers who acting beyond their normal duties. Another Police brutality video has emerged again. This time, Police tell two street men to fight. A police officer is seeing the two in this act. Is right to discipline law breakers like this? Please leave a comment below. This Police office was on duty and in full uniform and gets drunk with his relatives. He used the Police vehicle and was driving while drunk.
The question is, is there another law for the law enforcing body? Please leave your comments below. ![]() Police in Papua New Guinea caught up with two drunkards drinking in public places. Instead on taking them to the police station to lay charges, the police asked the two men to perform intimate kissing. The Police forced the two men to perform the act if they were doing it to a women. That question in need to ask. Is it legal to tell them to do such things? Isn't is breach of human rights? Leave your comments below. |
Stop Police brutality in PNGThis page is designed to stop Police brutality in Papua New Guinea. We cannot live in fear on our land, we can not of intimidated by those who took vow to protect us. Lets fights to stop Police brutality in this country. Send us all information on Police brutality to us. Our Email: [email protected] Categories |