Seasonal Workers Programme in Papua New Guinea
The Seasonal Workers Program in PNG looks at:
1. Paving a way forward for unemployed and underemployed citizens;
2. Acquire employment skills, work ethics and savings by workers;
3. Promote reinvestment of worker remittance into productive areas in workers home districts and/or villages;
4. Promote horticultural in districts of workers origin through collaboration with Australia and New Zealand horticulture sector; and
5. Ensuring equity of spread of benefits for the four regions of the Country
Basic Procedure in Handling Seasonal Worker Applications
- Coordinate PNG Labours to work in Australia & New Zealand Farms etc.
- Screen and process the applications etc…
1. Paving a way forward for unemployed and underemployed citizens;
2. Acquire employment skills, work ethics and savings by workers;
3. Promote reinvestment of worker remittance into productive areas in workers home districts and/or villages;
4. Promote horticultural in districts of workers origin through collaboration with Australia and New Zealand horticulture sector; and
5. Ensuring equity of spread of benefits for the four regions of the Country
Basic Procedure in Handling Seasonal Worker Applications
- • Must be from rural areas, ie. districts or Communicates etc
- • Actively involved in various activities that portray a good image of the respective communities and/or council wards
- • Meet relevant criteria on age,educations, character etc, and shows good personal qualities.
- • Applications to be endorsed/recommended by ward Screening Committee ie. Pastors, Councilors, Village Magistrate, Village Elder etc.
- • Applications to be vetted and pre-screened by Provincial Labour Officers, NE Regional Officers, Point Entry Officers etc.
- • Applications must be filled and recorded with regard to each provincial, district and community wards.
- • Submission of application to NED Head Office (PNGSWCO)
- • Applications will be-assessed by relevant Regional Team Leaders for screening and recommendation to NED Manager.
Here are the Notice to all public to consider before participating in Seasonal work program through National Employment Division, under Department of Labour and Industrial Relations.
1. The Papua New Guinea Seasonal Worker Program (PNGSWP) is managed solely by the Papua New Guinea Government through the Papua New Guinea Seasonal Workers Coordination Office (PNGSWCO).
2. The Papua New Guinea Government has not appointed any person, entity (incorporated or not) group or coordinator (whatsoever the name or label) to be involve in the registration, recruitment, screening and/or selection of eligible Papua New Guinea workers for seasonal work in Australia and New Zealand or anywhere else in the world.
3. Any person or entity pretend to be PNG Seasonal Worker Agent for and on behalf of the PNG Government and collects fees will be guilty of False Pretence, Forgery and Thief and may be referred to the police for immediate arrest, charge and prosecution.
4. The PNGSW Coordination Office does not charge any fees whatsoever for processing interested Papua New Guineans wishing to work in Australia and New Zealand.
5. The PNGSW Coordination Office provides all the necessary / relevant forms FREE OF CHARGE to interested persons.
6. The only Statutory Fees charged by various Government Agencies for processing documents can be paid directly by the applicant to The Department of Finance (Treasury Office in the Province / District as follows;
a) Birth Certificate K25.00
b) PNG Passport K100.00
c) Police Clearance K10.00
d) Medical Check/Report K20.00
e) Passport size photos K20.00
7. When all the forms are completed and checked against the “Checklist” at the basic of the Application Form;
a) Document must be lodged with all the relevant attachments at the PNGSW Coordination Office, located on the Ground Floor, Moale Building, Waigani, National Capital District.
b) PNGSW Coordination Office will register the application and issue a lodgment receipt to the Applicant for following-up purpose.
c) The application is screened and if all in order, the Applicant will be placed in the PNG Seasonal Worker Work-Ready Pool Data for Selection by the Farmers or Approved Employers from Australia or New Zealand.
8. The SELECTION of a worker for Seasonal Worker out of the PNG Seasonal Worker Work-Ready Pool is the prerogative of the farmer / Employer in Australia / New Zealand.
For information, if you wish to clarify an issue, do not hesitate to contact one of the officers on Telephone No. 301 1600 / 325 2532 or enquire personally at the office during Client-Open days; i.e.: Wednesday, Thursday or Friday (half-day).
1. The Papua New Guinea Seasonal Worker Program (PNGSWP) is managed solely by the Papua New Guinea Government through the Papua New Guinea Seasonal Workers Coordination Office (PNGSWCO).
2. The Papua New Guinea Government has not appointed any person, entity (incorporated or not) group or coordinator (whatsoever the name or label) to be involve in the registration, recruitment, screening and/or selection of eligible Papua New Guinea workers for seasonal work in Australia and New Zealand or anywhere else in the world.
3. Any person or entity pretend to be PNG Seasonal Worker Agent for and on behalf of the PNG Government and collects fees will be guilty of False Pretence, Forgery and Thief and may be referred to the police for immediate arrest, charge and prosecution.
4. The PNGSW Coordination Office does not charge any fees whatsoever for processing interested Papua New Guineans wishing to work in Australia and New Zealand.
5. The PNGSW Coordination Office provides all the necessary / relevant forms FREE OF CHARGE to interested persons.
6. The only Statutory Fees charged by various Government Agencies for processing documents can be paid directly by the applicant to The Department of Finance (Treasury Office in the Province / District as follows;
a) Birth Certificate K25.00
b) PNG Passport K100.00
c) Police Clearance K10.00
d) Medical Check/Report K20.00
e) Passport size photos K20.00
7. When all the forms are completed and checked against the “Checklist” at the basic of the Application Form;
a) Document must be lodged with all the relevant attachments at the PNGSW Coordination Office, located on the Ground Floor, Moale Building, Waigani, National Capital District.
b) PNGSW Coordination Office will register the application and issue a lodgment receipt to the Applicant for following-up purpose.
c) The application is screened and if all in order, the Applicant will be placed in the PNG Seasonal Worker Work-Ready Pool Data for Selection by the Farmers or Approved Employers from Australia or New Zealand.
8. The SELECTION of a worker for Seasonal Worker out of the PNG Seasonal Worker Work-Ready Pool is the prerogative of the farmer / Employer in Australia / New Zealand.
For information, if you wish to clarify an issue, do not hesitate to contact one of the officers on Telephone No. 301 1600 / 325 2532 or enquire personally at the office during Client-Open days; i.e.: Wednesday, Thursday or Friday (half-day).
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