Prime Minister James Marape Cabinet Ministers and their Portfolios
Below is the list of Cabinet Ministers for 2019 - 2022 Marape - Davis Government. (updated as of 26/12/2020)
1. Prime Minister and Bougainville Affairs Hon. James Marape, MP
2. Deputy Prime Minister and Commerce and Industry Hon. Sam Basil, MP
3. Treasury Hon. Ian Ling-Stuckey, MP
4. Finance and Rural Development Hon. Sir John Pundari, MP
5. National Planning and Monitoring Hon. Rainbo Paita, MP
6. State Enterprises Hon. William Duma, MP
7. Foreign Affairs and Trade, Hon. Soroi Eoe, MP
8. Public Service, Hon. Joe Sungi, MP
9. Petroleum Hon. Kerenga Kua, MP
10. Forestry Hon. Walter Schnaubelt, MP
11. Mining Hon. Johnson Tuke, MP
12. Works Hon Michael Nali, MP
13. Education Hon. Jimmy Uguro, MP
14. Higher Education and Sports, Hon. Wesley Raminai, MP
15. Health Hon Jelta Wong, MP
16. Immigration and Border Security Hon. Westly Nukunj, MP
17. Labour and Employment Hon. Tomait Kapili, MP
18. Agriculture Hon. John Simon, MP
19. Tourism, Hon. Isi Henry Leonard, MP
20. Civil Aviation Hon. Saki Agisa, MP
21. Environment and Conservation Hon. Wera Mori, MP
22. Police Hon. William Onglo, MP
23. Correctional Service Hon. Win Daki, MP
24. Community Development Hon. Wake Goi, MP
25. Defence Hon. Solan Mirisim, MP
26. Justice Hon. Bryan Kramer, MP
27. Information Communication and Technology Hon. Timothy Masiu, MP
28. Fisheries Hon. Dr Lino Tom, MP
29. Inter-Government Relations Hon. Pila Niningi, MP
30. Housing Hon. Justin Tkatchenko, MP
31. Lands and Physical Planning Hon. John Rosso, MP
32. Energy and Rural Development Hon. Saki Soloma, MP
33. Transport Hon. William Samb, MP
1. Prime Minister and Bougainville Affairs Hon. James Marape, MP
2. Deputy Prime Minister and Commerce and Industry Hon. Sam Basil, MP
3. Treasury Hon. Ian Ling-Stuckey, MP
4. Finance and Rural Development Hon. Sir John Pundari, MP
5. National Planning and Monitoring Hon. Rainbo Paita, MP
6. State Enterprises Hon. William Duma, MP
7. Foreign Affairs and Trade, Hon. Soroi Eoe, MP
8. Public Service, Hon. Joe Sungi, MP
9. Petroleum Hon. Kerenga Kua, MP
10. Forestry Hon. Walter Schnaubelt, MP
11. Mining Hon. Johnson Tuke, MP
12. Works Hon Michael Nali, MP
13. Education Hon. Jimmy Uguro, MP
14. Higher Education and Sports, Hon. Wesley Raminai, MP
15. Health Hon Jelta Wong, MP
16. Immigration and Border Security Hon. Westly Nukunj, MP
17. Labour and Employment Hon. Tomait Kapili, MP
18. Agriculture Hon. John Simon, MP
19. Tourism, Hon. Isi Henry Leonard, MP
20. Civil Aviation Hon. Saki Agisa, MP
21. Environment and Conservation Hon. Wera Mori, MP
22. Police Hon. William Onglo, MP
23. Correctional Service Hon. Win Daki, MP
24. Community Development Hon. Wake Goi, MP
25. Defence Hon. Solan Mirisim, MP
26. Justice Hon. Bryan Kramer, MP
27. Information Communication and Technology Hon. Timothy Masiu, MP
28. Fisheries Hon. Dr Lino Tom, MP
29. Inter-Government Relations Hon. Pila Niningi, MP
30. Housing Hon. Justin Tkatchenko, MP
31. Lands and Physical Planning Hon. John Rosso, MP
32. Energy and Rural Development Hon. Saki Soloma, MP
33. Transport Hon. William Samb, MP
Prime Minister Peter O'Neill's Government Cabinet and Portfolios
Below are the list of 2017 - 2019 O'Neill/Abel Government Cabinet. The list will be updated when changes of portfolios are made.
1. Peter O'Neill - PM, NEC, Sports and APEC
2. Charles Abel - DPM & Treasury
3. Kevin Isifu - Inter-Government Relations
4. James Marape - Finance & Rural Development
5. Richard Maru - National Planning and Monitoring
6. Elias Kapavore - Public Service
7. Fabian Pok - Petroleum & Energy
8. Wera Mori - Commerce & Industry
9. John Pundari - Environment, Conservation & Climate Change
10. Benny Allen - Agriculture & Livestock
11. Wesley Nukundj - Transport
12. Merrah Kipefa - Labour & Industrial Relations
13. Samuel Basil - Communication & Information Technology
14. Soroi Eoe - Religion, Youth & Community Development
15. Justin Tkatchenko - Lands & Physical Planing
16. Sir Puka Temu - Health & HIV/AIDS
17. Rimbink Pato - Foreign Affairs & Trade
18. Nick Kuman - Education
19. Pila Niningi - Higher Education, Science, Research & Technology
20. Patrick Basa - Fisheries
21. Jelta Wong - Police
22. Roy Biyama - Correctional Services
23. John Kaupa - Housing & Urbanization
24. Emil Tammur - Culture & Tourism
25. Fr. Simon Dumarinu - Bougainville Affairs
26. Alfred Manase - Civil Aviation
27. Johnson Tuke - Mining
28. Davis Steven - Justice & Attorney General
29. William Duma - Public Enterprise and State Investments
30. Solan Mirisim - Defence
31. Douglas Tumuriesa - Forestry
32. Michael Nali - Works & Implementation
33. Petrus Thomas - Immigration & Border Security
1. Peter O'Neill - PM, NEC, Sports and APEC
2. Charles Abel - DPM & Treasury
3. Kevin Isifu - Inter-Government Relations
4. James Marape - Finance & Rural Development
5. Richard Maru - National Planning and Monitoring
6. Elias Kapavore - Public Service
7. Fabian Pok - Petroleum & Energy
8. Wera Mori - Commerce & Industry
9. John Pundari - Environment, Conservation & Climate Change
10. Benny Allen - Agriculture & Livestock
11. Wesley Nukundj - Transport
12. Merrah Kipefa - Labour & Industrial Relations
13. Samuel Basil - Communication & Information Technology
14. Soroi Eoe - Religion, Youth & Community Development
15. Justin Tkatchenko - Lands & Physical Planing
16. Sir Puka Temu - Health & HIV/AIDS
17. Rimbink Pato - Foreign Affairs & Trade
18. Nick Kuman - Education
19. Pila Niningi - Higher Education, Science, Research & Technology
20. Patrick Basa - Fisheries
21. Jelta Wong - Police
22. Roy Biyama - Correctional Services
23. John Kaupa - Housing & Urbanization
24. Emil Tammur - Culture & Tourism
25. Fr. Simon Dumarinu - Bougainville Affairs
26. Alfred Manase - Civil Aviation
27. Johnson Tuke - Mining
28. Davis Steven - Justice & Attorney General
29. William Duma - Public Enterprise and State Investments
30. Solan Mirisim - Defence
31. Douglas Tumuriesa - Forestry
32. Michael Nali - Works & Implementation
33. Petrus Thomas - Immigration & Border Security